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Dr. Maysoon Ibrahim


Dr. Maysoun Ibrahim is the Founder and the President of the Palestinian Information Sciences and Technology Syndicate and a member of the Board of Trustees of the ÁùºÏ²ÊÍøÉÏͶעapp of Palestine. She is a professional in Information and Communication Technology for Development with experience working for government, international agencies, academia and the private sector. Dr. Ibrahim is a member of the board of directors of the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence in Palestine and is chairing the council’s Experimental Development and Incubation Committee and the National Innovation Supporters Network; and previously chaired the 2019 national forum on the 4th Industrial Revolution. Moreover, she is a member of the Management Board of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Slovenia; and acted as a consultant for the United Nations ESCWA (UN-ESCWA) on Smart Sustainable Cities and Smart Digital Solutions for Urban Resilience in the ÁùºÏ²ÊÍøÉÏͶעapp Region. Dr. Ibrahim is a member of numerous national and international committees and councils including, but not limited to, the UN-ESCWA Technology Center Technical Committee, Coordinating Committee for Industry Research Centers in the ÁùºÏ²ÊÍøÉÏͶעapp Region, National Committee on Implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Steering Committee of the National Artificial Intelligence Team, and Hult Prize Foundation Council.

Dr. Ibrahim holds a PhD in Technology for Development with a focus on Smart Sustainable Cities, a dynamic area that lies at the core of the United Nations SDGs. She is a researcher with a rich track of publications including research papers, articles, chapters and a book. She acts as a judge for numerous national and international competitions on innovation and entrepreneurship. She is a reviewer and a member of program committees of highly recognized research conferences and journals. Dr. Ibrahim provided various academic webinars and in person seminars and lectures to universities in the ÁùºÏ²ÊÍøÉÏͶעapp region and globally. These include UC Berkeley Future X in USA, Rice University in USA, Portsmouth University in UK, New York University (Abu Dhabi campus) in UAE, Beirut ÁùºÏ²ÊÍøÉÏͶעapp University in Lebanon among others. She received different awards highlighting her distinguished contributions to the research community and development including the empowerment of women and girls and gender equality.