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Media and Communication Department


This graduate program empowers our students to pursue their academic interests in the critical study of communication and media affairs, and puts them at the forefront of the challenge of keeping pace with the latest trends, technologies and debates, so they can advance their career opportunities, and also optimize the performance in their institutions.

The department is run by expert faculty who integrate theory and practice to keep our graduates up with ever-changing trends. It is structured to be a leading research-based department in media and communications excellence in Palestine. We aim at conducting research that impact on the strategies and practices of the local and regional media and communications industry, government media policy, as well as the third sector.

Our mission is to provide a high-quality master’s level graduate education in the study of media and communications, drawing on the social science disciplines, also oriented by both local and regional market/society needs of growth and development.

Our target segments include academic careers; communication and media related companies; non-profit organizations; government positions dependent on communication and digital media.

Department Faculty Members