fbpx 2 PhD offers in France (in computer science, data science, AI) | ARAB AMERICAN UNIVERSITY


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2 PhD offers in France (in computer science, data science, AI)

Application Deadline: 
Friday, September 1, 2023

(CESI Graduate School of Engineering) is offering 2 funded PhD positions to be filled in September/October 2023 in Strasbourg (France).


Offer 1:

Title: Green-JIT² - Just-in-Time Organization Method for Sustainable Integrated Production and Delivery Scheduling

Scientific Domains: Science and Technology; Data Science

Keywords: Industry 4.0; Supply Chain; Production & Transportation; Electric Vehicles; Scheduling; Artificial Intelligence


Offer 2:

Title: Computational efficiency of federated learning techniques on edge-cloud infrastructure.

Scientific field: Computer science

Keywords: IoT, Distributed computing, Edge-cloud computing, Artificial intelligence, Federated learning, Energy efficiency, Buildings and cities of the future.


Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received, so this offer of a thesis will expire once a candidate has been selected.

You will find the full offers in attached files.